Unequal Temperament is a project devoted to preserving the art, science, and history of piano tuning.
We preserve research into the field of piano tuning though data presentation, teaching, and tuning.
The graphs are rendered from three primary collections: my dissertation; extracts from the Scala library; and extracts from the Piano In Blue library.
Instruction and presentations on this topic come in forms of college lectures, group instruction for tuners, and individual tuning services.
Graphs are laid out in a circular pattern, based on the circle of fifths. Intervallic dissonances create waves of interference, and patterns of purity in keys can be seen as key relationships.
Going around the circle of fifths, we see different shapes for each triad. Outer circles are fifths, green inner circles are major thirds, and red inner circles are minor thirds.
The differences between equal-tempered intervals and pure intervals are shown with different textures.
Musical compositions have structure in time, just as buildings have in space. Tuning systems have structure in sound.
Obvserve the change of tuning systems throughout time.
This topic attracts interesting people.